A Little Boy Catches a Whale is a trilingual picture book that retells a Mi'kmaq legend. The French title is Un petit garçon pêche une baleine. The Mi'kmaq title is L'pa'tu'ji'j ne'pa'tl putupl. Allison Mitcham tells the English version of this story that is adapted from Silas Rand's original collection, Legends of the Micmacs, first issued in 1894. Helen Sylliboy provides the Mi'kmaq translation, and Judith Perron translated the English text into French. The story explains how caring elderly Mi'kmaq couple found a boy by the water and how this boy returned his thanks by providing food for this adoptive pair. The illustrations in this publication are somewhat stereotypical but allow interested readers with an idea of the action contained in the text. A unique book that offers young readers an example of languages other than English. This title is part of the Wabanaki Series from Bouton d'or Acadie.