The Sasquatch, the Fire and the Cedar Baskets by Joseph Dandurand, a member of Kwantlen First Nation located on the Fraser River and illustrated by Simon Daniel James, an Indigenous artist from the Mamalilikulla/Kwicksutaineuk clans from the Kwakwaka’wakw nation, is told with grace and simplicity by a master storyteller in the great tradition of the Kwantlen people and accompanied by whimsical illustrations from this Kwakwaka’wakw artist. “Deep in the thickest part of a cedar forest there lived a young Sasquatch. He was over nine feet tall and his feet were about size twenty. He had long brown hair that covered all of his body. His hands were so big and his arms so long he could wrap them around the biggest of the cedar trees. He had been born here many years ago and he did not know his parents, as they had been scared away by a great fire. He was left on his own and he had survived by eating berries and he had grown into the Sasquatch he now was... So begins this charming story for children by Kwantlen storyteller Joseph Dandurand. The Sasquatch, spirit of the great cedar forest, eludes human hunters, falls in love, fathers a lovely daughter and saves his little family from a forest fire by dousing the flames with water stored in baskets carefully woven by his mate.
This is the 1st book in the Kwantlen Stories Then and Now series Book 1.