Canoe Kids Volume 3 Mi'kmaq is the third issue of the publication designed as a family book for kids all ages. The mandate for the full-colour book is Exploring Indigenous Cultures through Authentic Indigenous Voices. This third Volume focuses on the Mi'kmaq located in Newfoundland. Articles include background about the Mi'kmaq of the North Atlantic Shores; Canoes; Harvesting Foods; and Respecting Mother Earth in Newfoundland. Throughout the text the editor has included colourful photographs of the geography, people, and animals living in Newfoundland. Canoe Kids stresses the importance of traditional knowledge and the importance of the environment for all of Mother Earth's children and the Mi'kmaq issue acknowledges this connection in keeping Turtle Island vibrant and thriving for all the faces yet to come. Highly recommended. This Mi'kmaq is also available as a subscription consisting of three issues per year. Mi'kmaq is also available in a PDF format.